How We Met

Her Story

I was living in Belmont at the time (with Tater Tot!) and came up to San Francisco to visit my BFF Kate. We had plans to spend the morning at the farmer’s market and then maybe get lunch—after all, I couldn’t leave little Tot all by himself in my apartment for too long.

While shopping at the Ferry Plaza Kate got a text from a boy asking her if she wanted to join him for one of the last pop-up restaurant events at Mission Chinese Food. “Oh, and can you bring some friends?” he asked.

I was wearing a ratty Dave Matthews Band shirt and flips flops and wasn’t really prepared to meet any cute boys, but there are some things a girlfriend just can’t say no to. So I went. I figured Tater Tot could wait until after dinner for his walk.

Well, poor Tater! Because Kate’s date brought along a dreamy guy named Jake who was so cute! wore boat shoes! was a vegetarian! had a great job! loved music! and board games! and I stayed in San Francisco until the last Cal Train left the station.

Jake and I went out on our first official date two weeks later. Two weeks after that, I moved to San Francisco. Three days after that, Tater Tot moved back to Modesto. Five months after that, I moved in with Jake. And seven months after that, we got engaged.

And they all lived happily ever after.


His Story

It’s the timeless story of old: guy makes a new friend at work, friend invites guy to dinner but asks that he bring a girl, guy is hapless and can’t find a girl willing to come to dinner with him, guy goes stag, guy meets the girl of his dreams, guy gets drunk that night and is positive that he makes a fool of himself, so guy doesn’t call girl for three weeks until friend tells him to, guy goes out with girl on a date, and the rest is history!